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Sustainability and Climate Initiatives to Date

Sustainability and Climate Initiatives to Date

looooooong_bridge-copyEarly Efforts

U.S. Mayors Agreement on Climate Change
Monroe County began pursuing sustainability and climate change mitigation initiatives In 2007,when the Board  of County Commissioners (BOCC) endorsed the U.S. Mayors Agreement on Climate Change,  to reduce pollution  associated with global warming. This endorsement also made the county a member in the ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability  network and participation in the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign.

beach-copyGreen Initiative Task Force (GITF)
In 2008, the BOCC established what became the Green Initiative Task Force (GITF) to recommend sustainable and green standards . The GITF  created the which became the basis for  energy efficiency components of the county’s 2015 and many other policies.

ariana-lawson-tea-table-6-copySoutheast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact (Compact)
Also in 2008, the county joined the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact. The Compact includes Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe counties. An initial project was to develop the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change  Action Plan (RCAP).

bridge-copyClimate Action Plan and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Targets
In 2009, the Monroe County Employee Green Team was created to develop a Climate Action Plan for county operations. Monroe County adopted the Green Team’s GHG targets for  county government operations. By 2020, the targets are anticipated to reduce GHG emissions by 20%, compared to a 2005 baseline inventory.

circle-graphics-copyCommercial Building Standard
The county adopted the Florida Green Building Coalition’s Commercial Building Standard. This applies to all county buildings in addition to the Florida Building Code.

pelicans-copyThe Climate Change Advisory Committee and Climate Action Plan (MCAP)

In 2011, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC )established the Monroe County Climate Change Advisory Committee (CCAC) to involve the community in climate initiatives. In collaboration with county staff, the CCAC created the Monroe County Climate Action Plan (MCAP). MCAP’s 72 recommendations  help the county reduce emissions and increase resilience with actions that are integrated with existing initiatives and organizations.
