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Public Involvement

Public Involvement

Public involvement was a critical component in creating of GreenKeys!.  Public involvement included  electronic communications, workshops, surveys, and outreach at community events and organizational meetings.

GreenKeys! MindMixer

As part of GreenKeys!, the county maintained MindMixer, an online engagement platform.  From July 2014 until May 2015, the site generated  551 interactions, 89 comments, and 51 shares.  It was a valuable way to obtain feedback from community members on county activities and priorities.

GreenKeys! Public Survey

To assist with the prioritization of recommendations and further engage Key Largo (and Monroe County) residents and business owners, the team used an online survey tool to poll the community on 31 questions.  Residents and business owners were asked to  rank several of the STAR recommendations and invited to give their thoughts about  county sustainability efforts. The survey was left open for 62 days, during which 161 responses were received.

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Public Involvement